Friday, March 26, 2010


Imagine everyone's surprise when they find out the Assistant LD has never been in a lighting class or has no experience. That's what I experienced yesterday. For the past two days, we have been hanging lights in the theater. My professor asked me, "Erin, are you comfortable with telling people what to do and assigning them jobs? Because I need you to be the Master Electrician." Master Electrician?!? I barely know what I'm doing as it is! However, I told her I didn't have a problem being in charge (of course not!) and then I prayed that everything would miraculously fall into place. The first day, I was timid, until I got into the rhythm of things. Of course we had some kinks- such as me not being one step ahead of everyone and keeping them busy, or other students not sure of what to do. But once you get going, you start understanding the terminology, know where each circuit is, know how to change light barrels while on the ladder, and so forth. I had begun to feel a little bit comfortable in this new world. Then yesterday, I was explaining a task to a student volunteer, and he asked the most obvious question, "You're the assistant lighting designer and you have no experience?? Wow- you have guts!" I had never thought of it like that and I had never realized how crazy it was that I didn't know anything... until then. But I am still enjoying this new world that I've entered, and I feel like I'm becoming semi-good at what I"m doing. It all takes time and practice!

Some pictures of our light hang:

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