Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Today we started focusing the lights. In stage lighting, focusing is the location onstage where the light from the instrument is directed. We got through most of the lights--we only have 14 more lights left to focus after Easter. It was a very productive day! Here are some pictures of the set, focusing lights, and some of the gels used in the lights. Enjoy!

Professor Casey directing Dale on where to focus the light.

Me getting ready to focus my first light!

Up on the ladder!

Focusing my first light!

The gels, or the color, that will be used during the show. Gels are inserted color media into color frames that are placed in the lighting instruments. Gels are made from gelatin.

Part of the set: I helped make this building look old and dirty by using vinegar, scratching the metal, and painting "dirt".

Another view of the stage.

We have two and a half weeks until opening night! So far everything is coming together really well. In addition to being assistant lighting designer (which means keeping all of the lighting paperwork in order, hanging and focusing lights, and so forth), I am also working on a black and white movie that will play at the beginning of the show. My projection will focus on Apartheid in South Africa. We will start tech week next week, and begin the finishing touches on the show. Next Saturday we will have an all day workshop so that the tech crews and the actors can meet and work together for the first time. Then we will have two full run-throughs, and then opening night! It will be a busy 3 weeks-but a lot of fun!! Stay tuned!

Information taken from:
-Designing With Light: an Introduction to Stage Lighting, J. Michael Gillette

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