Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Cue the Lights!

The past few days have been busy! Yesterday, we went through the entire show and cued the lights. A "cue" is a directive for action: for example, a change in the lighting. When writing the cues, the lighting technician types the cues into the light board. The cues determine how long it takes for the lights to appear or fade between each light change. My job for the most part was to sit with Professor Casey in the theater (in the dark!) and assist her in calling the lights. We had two people in the light booth who were typing the cues into the light board. We cued the entire show in about an hour and a half. While cueing, you can "play" what you have entered and watch the lights as they would appear in the show. While we were able to cue the entire show yesterday, we have an all day tech practice on Saturday with the actors, which means that some of the lights might still change once we see how they look against the actors. At the end of rehearsal, I got to go work with the light board and add some cues to our plot. It was exciting and a little overwhelming! Here are some pictures of the light board:

Today, we tried to set up two projectors and run the projector cables to the sound and light booths. However, we ran into a roadblock. We discovered that the projectors could not be placed on the ground like originally anticipated. Instead, we are having to install projector "boxes" onto the lighting pipes on the ceiling and run the cables from the ceiling back to the booths. Instead of having a productive day- we ended up experimenting with our new projection plan. Hopefully it will work- although we still have some kinks to work out. Needless to say, it was a frustrating day! But once this is worked out- the projections will look really awesome! Hopefully tomorrow is a better day!

Information from:
-Designing With Light: an Introduction to Stage Lighting, J. Michael Gillette

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