Sunday, April 11, 2010

8 out of's a union thing!

Today we had an all day play rehearsal to check light and sound cues with the actors. Today was the first run-through that the tech crew and the actors have had together. Of course, the morning got off to a smooth start with me oversleeping! I ended up making it to the rehearsal on-time, but I was still frazzled! The main issue that the "lighting" crew has right now is the projections. For some reason, the movies don't like to play in powerpoint all of the time, and it is frustrating, because one time they will work- and other times they won't. I was on projection duty for the morning, and once we got the movies working, I was in charge of cueing the projections in their appropriate spots. It was an interesting experience- you constantly have to be paying attention to the stage manager who is calling the cues through a headset. During the morning, we ran the show cue-to-cue, so all of the designers and actors could see how the lights, sound, and acting all went together. After lunch, we ran through the play non-stop. We still have some kinks to work out- but the show is in great shape for next week! I am definitely excited about opening night!

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