Monday, April 26, 2010

That's a Wrap!

Yesterday afternoon was the final production of My Children! My Africa! After the last performance, the tech crews gathered together one last time to strike the show. Striking a show means taking everything down, such as the set, lights, etc. and putting it back in its original format.
We started striking around 5:00 P.M and were miraculously done around 9:00 P.M. I thought it was going to take forever to strike, but several student volunteers from the tech classes came to help. With the right attitude and right people- strike was a lot of fun and moved quickly!

Here a few pictures that Madison O'Brien took for me (I of course forgot my camera!):

Professor Casey and I with the light plot directing people!

Hard at work putting up the original light plot in the Rudder Forum.

I survived my first strike and now I am going to have to turn in my production notebook. After that- my play experience will be officially over! Stay tuned...

(Thanks for the pictures Madi! )

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