Thursday, April 15, 2010

Break A Leg!!

Tonight was opening night of My Children! My Africa! After three long months of work, tonight finally came! We had preview last night, which allowed the actors to get used to performing in front of a live audience. I was able to photograph the performance, which was not easy. It is really hard to photograph lights- but hopefully I got a few good shots.

Tonight the show started at 8:00 P.M. The acting was awesome and there were only a few glitches in the show concerning set changes and light/sound cues. To me, somebody who has worked with the show everyday, I picked up on the mistakes, but to a regular audience- no one knew. The show will run for 2 weekends with a total of 8 shows. Hopefully each night will get better and better!

Here a few pictures of our stage manager and assistant scenic designer:

The Stage Manager: Madison O'Brien on opening night:

The Assistant Scenic Designer: Sarah Varga on opening night:

Photos from the show will be posted soon! If you get a chance, go see My Children! My Africa!

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