Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Dress Rehearsal

I forgot to blog last night, but we had our first dress rehearsal last night, and our second one tonight. During these rehearsals, we the check lights, sound, make-up, and costumes. We already had to cut the body projections from the show because we could never get a projector to properly work, and it was too distracting. This afternoon, we were able to fix most of the lighting issues that we found last night (such as having lights in the audience's eyes in the first few rows), but tonight we found some more. It is such a tedious process trying to everything perfect. I got to put my awesome camp-counselor skills to use tonight and gave a french-braiding tutorial to the hair/make-up crew, which they picked up on very quickly! I won't be able to make it to tech hours tomorrow (because I have a big test tomorrow!!!) but tomorrow night is our preview night. This is where we have a live audience and I will get to take pictures of the show for my portfolio.

Wish me luck on my test and I will post soon!! Opening night is so close!

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